Back to School – Zmol Electric Pencil Sharpener

Last week kicked off the official start of back to school season for us.  I now have a third grader and a kindergartener.   They’ve had some homework over the weekend and throughout this week.

My oldest has been using this small hand sharpener since second grade as I haven’t gotten around to getting him anything fancier until now…

He was so excited to see the new Zmol electric pencil sharpener and exclaimed to me, “Finally an electric sharpener!”

This sharpener fit perfectly at our kitchen counter corner where we have some of the school supplies. Our kids do their homework at the kitchen table so this sharpener is within their reach if they need to use it. Also, having kids do their homework at the kitchen table works out well for me as I can see what they are working on while I prepare for dinner.

My oldest sharpening one of his pencils. He was so giddy over sharpening that, between his younger brother and him, spent at least 20 minutes at the machine sharpening all their pencils over the weekend.

The younger one also in on the action and sharpening one of his pencils.

Just a few of the pencils that they hadn’t put away after sharpening. Overall, I really love how compact the sharpener is and kids absolutely loved not having to use the small hand sharpener that kept on eating their pencils versus sharpening them. As a parent, I also loved that they have a built in thermal heat so if the sharpener heats up, it will shut down to cool down. This worked well because my kids definitely worked this machine the first day we received it. We unplugged it and left it to cool down and about an hour later, came back, plugged it back in and it worked like a charm. The sharpener can be found on Amazon for under $ 30 or click here! Makes a great Christmas or teacher’s day gift for the teachers too!

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