New Endeavor

Horseshoe Bend, Spring 2017

Starting something new can simultaneously be exciting, challenging, interesting and scary! I entered the blogging world for the heck of it sometime in 2007 but with the arrival of my firstborn in 2011, I could barely keep my eyes open most nights so of course blogging was out of the question. My focus shifted to our new family of three. Almost eight years later and three kids in tot, I am excited and ready (at least I think I am) to give blogging a serious try again!

In this new endeavor, I hope to share my thoughts on the following topics:

  • Family – they are my world. My kids challenge me everyday, to be a better person but also my patience!
  • Financial matters – I love to listen and talk about this subject but I am no expert!
    • Budgeting – It’s game on this year! We’ve always had a loose budget but after having my third child, I am definitely feeling the need to get budgeting down and serious!
    • Real estate – I love this topic but living in one of the more expensive parts of the country, it takes a lot of capital to enter this as an investor.
    • Stock market – The cyclical nature and turbulence of the stock market are not for everyone. I followed the stock market back in 2007, then when it tanked, I somehow lost interest. At the start of 2018 – I pushed myself to stay in the market and continue with it for one full year. It’s 2019 and I am happy to say that I achieved my goal! I will continue to follow and refine my investing goals and would love to share my thoughts here and for anyone who wants to listen!
  • Health – After I turned 40, everything in my body seemed to work just a little worse so my hope is that by giving this topic more airtime, I can try to adapt a healthier lifestyle.
  • Lifestyle – Anything that includes what or where I like to eat, my sense of style (I don’t really have one! Aack!!) and just about everything else…
  • Travel – I love to travel. Who doesn’t in this world nowadays??!

Til next time…

About The Author
